0 Words 0 Characters
Word counter is a online tool, which give details of the any given text. It provide details like words count, Characters cout, Sentences count, Paragraphs count, Reading Time for the text, Speaking time for the text. It also provide keyword density of Unigram, Bigram and Trigram combination of words.
Tallies the words count in text given, help in meeting the length requirements.
Get the total characters count in text, gives the idea of total characters present in text.
Get the count of total number of sentences in a text, help in readability analysis.
Counts the total paragraphs in a text, help in structuring and organizaing content efficiently.
Estimate the total time it take to read a text, help in planning and comprehension.
Estimate the total time the text take to speak, help in presentation planning and preparation.
Q1: What is Unigram density?
Ans: Unigram density is a individual word taken, an analyze how much time it occurs in a text.
Q2: What is bigram density?
Ans: Bigram density is a two consecutive words are taken, and analyze how much time that pair of two is occurs in a text.
Q3: What is Trigram density?
Ans: Trigram density involves a group of combination of three consecutive words, and analyze how much time that pair of three occurs in a text.
Q3: What is Sentence Case?
Ans: Sentence case is a case in which it capitalize the first letter of first word in each sentence.
Q3: What is Upper Case?
Ans: Upper case is a case in which it capitalize the all letters in a word or phrase.
Q3: What is Lower Case?
Ans: Lower case is a case in which all letters are in lower case.